Taking place 3 years after the first invasion, the aliens return to complete their plan of human domination, launching a second wave of attacks that threaten to destroy what is left of humanity. Not much else is known about the plot but the film’s tag line “This Time We Fight Back” indicates that the story will have more of a war theme to it.
Now I know why this hasn't been shown here on the Philippines. The movie is a trash! If you think the first one was corny (and the grenade killed the aliens... yeah right) this one is even cornier (if there's such a term)!
The actors are not that famous. I don't know them and I haven't seen them on other movies. Their acting ability was poor. Not to mention the lazy script they're delivering. I mean, I was expecting an upbeat and more thrilling acting from the actors since the movie carries a sort-of suspense theme but I was so bored on it. Good thing I was able to hold on to my seat and finish the movie.
Effects? I haven't seen so much effect except for the ugly aliens (who look like ugly robots) and the spaceships that was flying on the space trying to kill the mother spaceship of the aliens.
Another thing is the story. It’s very predictable. I was only on the half part of the movie and I was able to predict what will be the ending (and I was right). They all live happily ever after... They killed the alien... But the alien came back... Sheeeesh... Even a fourth grader can predict what will happen next on the movie.
But it left me some questions that have been running on my mind after watching the movie. How does the universe look like? What if we can really live on mars? Do mars look like earth?
Anyway, I say no to the actors, no the effects, no to the script, and no to the whole story.
Don't watch it. It’s just a waste of time.
OVER ALL RATING: 1 out of 5
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