I’d really want to tell the whole story (like as if I haven’t told you the first part) unfortunately, I have to cut it to give way for my not-so-good movie review. I say not-so-good because I’m not good in writing reviews (may it be a food review or a movie review). But I’m trying my best (really) to give a fair and honest point-of-view. So here it goes…
The characters chosen for this movie did an excellent job. No over acting, no lame acting, and I didn’t found useless characters here. Most of the lines delivered were a little bit not understandable (sometimes, it’s like they’re murmuring, or they’re like eating their own words, or I just didn’t get what they said). So I advise that you pay attention and avoid talking too much to your seatmate when watching this film.
The story is good. I can say that they really provided the movie a good story. The twist is very unpredictable and I like that. I was almost on the last part of the movie but I still can’t figure out the twist. I only knew it when Racer X explained everything (or am I just dumb?) However, I think the story is for the teenagers (not for adults… not also for kids). They will appreciate it more than the adults and the kids. I really didn’t appreciate it not until the last part of the story when the race is becoming more intense and exciting. It has a moral lesson not only for the teens or for the kids but for the parents as well. It’s for you to figure out what the moral story is (especially for the parents).
There are some scenes that were a bit irrelevant particularly the scene where the ninjas were attacking the Racer family. I mean, where did they come from? Is it necessary for those ninjas to be there? Does it really need to be ninjas? Another irrelevant scene is the fighting scene. I just think those were unnecessary, or if it is needed, maybe they could have lessen it a bit.
Lastly, I love the cinematography of this movie. Particularly on the way they positioned their cameras. It’s like you’re also in the race track and you’re there racing for the finish line. I always move on the verge of my seat whenever Speed uses some of his techniques to outwit his opponents. And oh, two thumbs up for providing a very colorful and crazy race tracks. I can’t imagine us having those kinds of race tracks on the year 5000. Hehehe…
All in all, I recommend you to watch this movie with your family. Bring your kids or siblings especially the teen ones. They will definitely love this film.
OVER ALL RATING: 3 out of 5
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